
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Giant Cupcake

This giant cupcake was for Kate's 1st Birthday Party.  The cake is a Banana Spice (minus the walnuts).  It's actually meant to be a bunt cake recipe, but it is so yummy and somewhat (not really) healthy since it has 2 bananas in it.  I had attempted a giant cupcake before and was not really thrilled with the look.  I bought the expensive pan from Williams-Sonoma and was determined to make this work.  I did some googleing of images and found some inspiration.  I lined the bottom of the pan with melted white chocolate (tinted pink) to form a shell that I could put the cake into.  I had to do a couple of layers of melted chocolate to get a nice thick shell.  I baked the cake and then had to trim the bottom to fit it into the shell.  This is a lot of cake.  The top has a thin layer of cream cheese frosting. 

Cake trimming and placing into the chocolate shell.

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