
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Lime Infused Shortbread

Lime infused just sounds fancy, right?  :)  Well these aren't "fancy" cookies, but they are super yummy!

In the middle of the heat wave I decided a needed some cookies that were "refreshing," if possible, and that didn't require me to spend much time near the oven.  These cookies were quick to make and they are very light in flavor.  

I used my all time favorite shortbread recipe and made a few modifications. 

1 cup butter room temperature
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/2 tsp. almond extract
3 tsp. fresh lime zest
2 cups flour

2 cups powdered sugar
2 tsp. lime zest
3 tablespoons lime juice
1/4 cup toasted almonds

Toast your almonds. 

Mix butter and sugar together on med for 1 minute.  Add the almond extract and lime zest.  ( I recently read a tip somewhere, can't remember where, that the white under the green skin is bitter, so make sure to only zest the green lime skin).  Add flour one cup at a time while mixing on low.  If dough seems to dry add a few squirts of lime juice.  Don't overmix or your dough will make for tough or chewy cookies.  Ideally you want light and crisp shortbread cookies.  

Spoon out cookie dough and roll into 1 1/2 inch balls.  Coat the bottom of a glass with sugar and flatten.  

Bake at 325 for about 12 minutes, or until edges are just turning golden.

Let cool and make your powdered sugar glaze.  Add your lime zest and juice to your powdered sugar in a small bowl and stir until mixed.  You want a thick, honey like consistency.  If it's too runny add more sugar, if it's not runny enough, add more lime juice.  

Pour glaze into a sandwich bag. 
I prop mine inside a glass to make it easier.

pick up your bag and snip off a corner.  Get ready to drizzle!

Drizzle a couple cookies at a time and then sprinkle with toasted almonds and maybe some green and yellow sanding sugar if you have it.  


Not a great picture, but you can make them into wedges too!

I'm having technology shortfalls lately.  My laptop is sick and my camera is broken.  My "smart" phone is working extra hard to keep up.  So I'm around, in limited technology capacities.  :)

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