
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Halloween Lollipop Cookies

I'm loving these Halloween colors. I can't decide what color combos I like the best!
If you want to make some, visit my guest tutorial on Sugarbelle's site.

And these ones are Pumpkin Lollipops! 


  1. What great Halloween cookies. I love all the color combinations.

  2. Oh my gosh, I LOVE the green and purple ones! Such a great combo for Halloween :D

  3. These cookies are awesome! I loved them since your tutorial at Sugarbelle's site. They are so cute !!

    I've been trying to make them for my daughter's first bithday next month, but they don't look as pretty as yours. How do you do to keep the perfect shape of the coil?? Is there any tip you could give me?

    The ones I have made expand in the oven and the whole shape is lost. They look as a colorful round cookie in a stick :(

    I really will appreciate if you could give me a tip or how do you do ....

    And thanks for sharing this great idea! :)
    (sorry for my english, Im from Mexico :))

  4. Thank you so much for all the positive feedback! I really appreciate everyone's kind words. As I would tell the kids at school, "you've filled my bucket!" (it's a book thing) :) Magdalena-my guess is that you should add more flour to your recipe. You don't want your dough to be sticky. Good luck!

  5. These are sooo beautiful! You did such an awesome job! :)

  6. I've come back to tell you that I'm featuring these on my blog tomorrow.

  7. Absolutely adorable- such a great Halloween treat!! Love the different colors used! :)

    Newest follower- hope you can pop by our site sometime!
    Happy Halloween!!

  8. What is your favorite cookie recipe?
